


(一) Nüwa女娲

Nüwa is sometimes referred to respectfully as wā huáng which translates literally as “Empress Huang”. Nüwa’s mother is the goddess Huaxu 1._________ became suddenly pregnant when she was wandering the universe and stepped in a footprint 2.________(leave) by the god of thunder, Leigong. Fuxi is seen 3._________ the inventor of hunting, cooking, and the Chinese writing system.

One version of the story says that after she was done, she was so tired 4._________ she laid to down to rest and died from exhaustion. 5._________ version says that while she was working, she discovered there wasn’t enough stone to fix the sky, so she sacrificed 6._________(she) to use her body to fill the last bits. Either way, order was restored to earth and humanity was able to live 7.________ (peaceful) once again. Although she did her best, Nüwa couldn’t get the sky and earth to align exactly the way it had before. The earth became permanently tilted and that’s 8.________ it’s said that all of the rivers in China run in a Southeastern direction.

Nüwa is an important figure in popular culture. Though many temples dedicated to Nüwa and her brother Fuxi can 9.________(find) throughout the Chinese-speaking world, her most important temple is located in Hebei Province and is seen as the ancestral shrine of all humans.

March 18th of the lunar calendar is the birthday of Nv Wa, so every year from March 1st 10.________ 18th of the lunar calendar; people from Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan Provinces come to She County on a pilgrimage to Nv Wa.


1.who  2.left    3.as      4.that      5.Another    6.herself     7.peacefully   8.why   9.be found  10.to

(二)Tea Traditions

“Its liquor is like 1.__________ sweetest dew from heaven,” wrote Lu Yu in his classic work Ch’a Ching. The 8th century scholar produced the first authoritative book on tea, providing details on every aspect of tea growing 2.________ manufacture, as well as 3._________(wise) on the art of drinking tea.

Tea has been appreciated in China 4.__________ 2000 BCE, first for medicinal purposes and later for its refreshing qualities. The Chinese have valued this unique beverage, using tea 5._________(leaf) for gift giving, courtship rituals, ancestor worship, and imperial tribute taxes.

Beginning in the 9th century, the enjoyment of tea spread to countries outside China, first to Japan and Korea, then to the Middle East. For centuries China was the world’s only tea–exporting country. Beginning in the 19th century, however, stiff competition 6._________(arise) as India and Ceylon began to grow tea. Today China 7.________(remain) one of the largest suppliers of quality teas. 


1. the    2.and    3.wisdom     4.since 5.leaves  6.arose 7.remains


Paper money is an invention of the Song Dynasty in China in the 11th century CE, nearly 20 centuries after the 1._________(early) known use of metal coins. 2._________ paper money was certainly easier to carry in large amounts, using paper money had its risks: counterfeiting and inflation.

At the beginning of the Song Dynasty (960–1279 CE), the government licensed specific deposit shops 3._________ people could leave their coins and receive notes. In the 1100s, Song authorities decided 4._________(take) direct control of this system, 5._________(issue) the world’s first proper, government-produced paper money. This money was called jiaozi. 

The Song established factories to print paper money with woodblocks, 6._________(use) six colors of ink. The factories were located 7._________ Chengdu, Hangzhou, Huizhou, and each used different fiber mixes in their paper 8._________(discourage) counterfeiting(伪造). Early notes expired after three years, and could only be used in particular regions of the Song Empire.

In 1265, the Song government introduced a 9._________ (true) national currency, printed to a single standard, usable across the empire, and backed by silver or gold. It was available in denominations between one and one hundred strings of coins. This currency lasted only nine 10.________(year), however, because the Song Dynasty tottered, falling to the Mongols in 1279.


1. earliest  2.While    3.where    4.to take  5.issuing  6. using 7.in   8.to discourage  9.truly   10.years


Pangu is an ancient Chinese deity considered to be the first living being and 1.________(create) of the world. Emerging from an egg 2.________ (contain) the entire cosmos(宇宙), his birth released the universe.

Pangu is comprised 3.________ the Chinese characters pán (盘), meaning to “coil” and gǔ (古), meaning “ancient.” 4._________ he was inside the egg containing the entirety of the universe, Pangu slept in a curled up position due to space limitations. Pangu’s name, therefore, denotes(标志) both his ancientness 5._________ the unusual circumstances of his birth.

Pangu is an important figure to 6.________ number of minority ethnic groups in China, and each has their own oral version of his creation myth. Modern versions of the myth can 7.________(trace) back to Xu Zheng, an ancient Chinese author and government official 8._________ lived during the Three Kingdoms period, who was the first person 9.________(record) it in writing. In all versions of the myth, Pangu and the universe are described as emerging from an egg; there are discrepancies, however, as to how Pangu manages to free 10.________(he) and how the universe is formed.


1.creator      2.containing      3.of   4.when    5.and    6.a    7.be traced    8.who    9.to record       10.himself


Waking up at 7 in the morning , 25-year-old Fan Yupei cleans up, waters flowers in the courtyard, and then ____36____(open) the door of her Jun porcelain (钧瓷) production studio, ready for a new day’s business.

Life in her hometown, Shenhou town, in Yuzhou City, is much ____37____(happy) for Fan, who quit her job in Beijing and started her own studio with her husband. Jun porcelain is one of the top five Chinese porcelains, ____38____(date) back to the Song Dynasty, ____39____ is famous for its change of colors when heated in kilns. Now it ____40____(list) as a state-level intangible culture heritage (非物质文化遗产).Shenhou town is home ____41____ Jun porcelains. Recently, the local government of Yuzhou city has made a series of measures ____42____(promote) such production. Now Fan’s husband is in charge of Jun porcelain making while she is responsible for sales. ____43____ have combined Jun porcelain production with modern art and often share ____44____(thought) about designs together. With more and more tourists visiting Shenhou every day, Fan has the ____45____(confident) that Jun porcelain will gain greater popularity in the future.


36. opens     37. happier         38. dating    39. which     40. is listed / has been listed 41. to          42. to promote    43. They     44. thoughts  45. confidence  


In the Chinese lunar calendar a year (1) __________ (divide) into 24 solar systems. Start of Spring, the first solar term, usually lasts from around February 4 to February 18. It is time to actively develop agriculture. Start of Spring (2)__________ (traditional) represents the beginning of spring in East Asian cultures. Farmers often celebrate it with special village events and (3)__________(ceremony) for a prosperous new year. In the lunar calendar, New Year’s Day might be before (4)__________ after Start of Spring.

In northern China, people ate spring pancakes or spring rolls on this day. The spring pancake took (5)__________ (it) rise from the Jin dynasty and (6)__________ (become) popular since the Tang dynasty. Start of Spring was valued by both Chinese ancient kings and civilians. In celebration of Start of Spring, civilians ate spring pancakes (7)__________ (wrap) around fresh vegetables and meat, (8) __________was called bite-the-spring. Bite-the-spring implied that civilians were praying for (9)__________ good harvest year.

Now, people also go outside to show their passion for the spring. Villagers usually whip their cattle and on their way, they bang drums and sing songs (10) __________(celebrate) the coming spring.


1. is divided  2. traditionally  3. ceremonies  4. or  5. its 6.has become  7. wrapped  8. which  9. a  10. to celebrate

(七)Traditional Culture

Traditional culture refers to the customs, beliefs, practices, and values that have been passed down from generation to generation within a particular community. It plays a significant role 1.________ shaping the way people think, behave, and interact with each other.

Traditional cultures often include art, music, dance, storytelling, and other forms of creative expression 2.___________ reflect the community’s values and beliefs.

Moreover, traditional cultures provide a sense of continuity and belonging for people, as they connect 3.____________ (individual) to their past and their community. For example, many communities have traditional rituals and ceremonies that mark important milestones such as birth, marriage, and 4.________ (die).

However, traditional cultures are also at risk of being lost as modernization and 5.____________ (globalize) bring changes to societies. As 6.__________ (young)generations adopt new values and lifestyles, traditional cultures can be eroded, 7._________ (lead) to a loss of identity and heritage.

8.___________ , it is essential to preserve and promote traditional cultures as they provide unique insights into the past, offer a sense of belonging and continuity, and contribute to the 9.___________ (diverse) of the world’s cultures. Efforts can 10._______ (make) to document traditional practices and pass them on to future generations, or to find ways to incorporate traditional elements into modern society while respecting their authenticity.


1.in  2.that/which  3.individuals 4. death.5. globalization 6.younger 7.leading 8.Therefore9. diversity 10.be made


The Hezhen is one of the smallest minorities in China. Early Hezhen people developed methods 1.________ producing clothes, bedding and thread out of fish skin. But over time, there has been a loss of Hezhen culture, including 2.________(make) clothing from the skin of fish. Besides, few young Hezhen wanted to learn the skill. Fish-skin clothing is also not 3.________ Hezhen people wear today.
       Knowing this, You Wenfeng, a now 68-year-old woman, started to share her knowledge with local Han Chinese women in the 1990s. Her followers also learn the Yimakan, 4.________ kind of storytelling that uses both speeches and songs in the Hezhen language. They also memorize songs sung by the Hezhen people. For environmental 5.________(protect), You Wenfeng has decided to buy fish from the market and use a special sewing tool and cotton thread. The first step is to remove the fish’s skin 6.________(cautious) and dry it. The skin is then repeatedly passed through wooden “teeth” to soften it. The process takes a month, and sewing it then requires about twenty 7.________(many) days.

So far, fish leather 8.________(inspire) some high-end clothing design houses, including Dior and Prada, to use it in their clothes. But the material 9.________(be) still not common. In 2006, Hezhen fish skin clothing was listed by China as intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产), which means a special effort is made 10.________(preserve) the tradition.


1.for/of          2.making     3.what        4.a     5.protection 6.cautiously  7.more  8.has inspired   9.is      10.to preserve


There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界)1.______ a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side 2.______(effect) such us overweight and heart disease- the very thing the medical community was trying to fight.

Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required 3.______(process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt 4.______(remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something. As 5.______ result, people will eat more food to try to make up for the something missing. Even 6.______(bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food 7.______(be) full of fat and salt; by 8.______(eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.

Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心)between meals and will improve the taste of your food. However, be 9.______(care) not to go to extremes. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, 10.______ is not good for the health.


1.as      2. effects  3. to process   4. are removed    5. a   6. worse 7. is     8. eating       9. careful        10. which


Just as water and fire are incompatible, neither can a desert and a spring coexist. But, this is not the case for the Crescent Lake 1.________ is surrounded by the Mingsha Sand Dune. The golden sand hill and the blue lake cast a beautiful contrast in a harmonious existence.

The Crescent Lake is also known 2._________ the Crescent Spring, Crescent Moon Spring, or Yueya Spring. It can be considered a natural wonder of the Gobi Desert. Just as 3.________(it) name implies, the lake appears like a crescent moon and with its crystal clear water, 4._________(resemble) a pearl inlaid in the vast desert. Some say it reminds them 5._________ the eye of a beautiful woman, lucid, beautiful and amorous.

Visitors are able to witness the variable scenes of the lake from early sunrise to sunset. Such as the soft glow of sunrise and the smooth mirror image 6.________ dusk. It is during the latter time 7.________ the lake reflects the rosy clouds and golden dunes of the surrounding. In the evening, blue neon light encircles the lake resembling the moon on the ground.

Research shows that the mysterious crescent landform was 8.________ result of a natural wind. Sands 9._________(fall) from the surrounding mountains would be blown to the other side of the nearby Echoing-Sand Mountain. Thus, the sands do not smother the spring. This natural phenomenon keeps the sand dunes and spring in a 10._________(harmony) and almost paradoxical existence.


1.that            2.as               3.its              4.resembles         5.of 6.at               7.that            8.the             9.falling               10.harmonious



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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd