




你校英文报正在征稿。请你结合下面的名人名言(famous quote),写一篇题为“My Understanding of Failure”的征文。

“Aman can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”






My Understanding of Failure

This famous quote from J:Burroughs conveys that when faced with failure we should reflect on ourselves instead of putting the blame on others, which is more important than failure itself.

When entering high school many classmates found it really difficult to learn maths and did poorly in exams. They blamed it on the teacher rather than themselves, which resulted in even poorer performance. I was no exception. However, when I realized complaining made no sense, I adjusted my learning methods and turned to the teacher whenever I encountered difficult problems. Gradually I began to make progress which in turn boosted my confidence in maths.

The lesson I have drawn from this experience is that only by bravely taking full responsibility for failure rather than blaming others can we succeed.



1. 读的经历;        2.喜爱的栏目;      3.期待与祝福。

Youth and Me

Happy 10th anniversary to Youth, our most popular School English paper without which my youth couldn’t have been so rewarding!

For lack of confidence I seldom got involved in any social activities as a junior school student. Luckily, one day I happened to read an article about the secret of confidence carried by Youth. Under its professional guidance, I attempted to fit in with others. It was Youth that encouraged me to go through tough times and shaped me what I am now. Even now reading my favorite column, Help the Needy, still gives me a strong power to strengthen my heart. It not only talks about the troubles we may come across in school life but also offers a range of practical solutions. For me it serves as a good helper and a devoted companion.

I hope Youth will become increasingly popular and stay in youth forever.


请根据你对以下两幅图的理解,以“Actions Speak Louder Than Words”为题,用英语写一篇作文。你的作文应包括以下内容:




参考词汇:banner(横幅) stump(树桩)

The two pictures vividly illustrate two different approaches to the same issue. When celebrating

Earth Day, one man simply puts up a banner on a lonely tree surrounded by a pile of stumps, but in vain, while the other picture shows two people planting a tree happily.

The two types of people are common in our daily life. Some restrict their efforts only to their words, calling on other people to do one thing or another while others suit their words to actions, and make every effort to make a difference in life. The message conveys here is clear: “Actions speak louder than words.”

The pictures make me aware of what I should do in my daily life. Rather than just shout empty words, we should do what we can to make a difference such as donating books to children in need and strictly follow traffic rules. It is only when we match our words with actions that we can help build up a harmonious society.

(2021全国乙)你校将举办英语演讲比赛,请你以Be smart online learners为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:



Good morning, everyone,

It’s a great honor for me to stand here to give a speech titled Be smart online learners.

As a coin has two sides online learning has its pros and cons. Nowadays with the rapid development of the Internet, we are taking advantage of online programs to further our study, which offered numerous benefits, including flexibility and convenience. However, not all of us can make the best of it. When using the internet we can easily get distracted which may make online learning less effective. Therefore, I would like to recommend ways to be smart online learners. In my opinion, its advisable to stay focused while learning online by taking notes. Besides good time management will contribute to our productivity. Most importantly, full commitment is a must.

Hopefully tips above can be of great help and we will become smart online learners and benefit from it. That’s all! Thank you for your listening!









Chinese Language Day Celebrations on Campus

April 20the birthday of Chinese characters’ creator Cang Jie witnessed our school’s first ever Chinese Language Day Celebrations, which turned out to be a great success.

To help students appreciate the unique charm of our mother tongue and gain a better insight into Chinese culture various wonderful activities were organized around the campus. A language expert was invited to deliver a speech on how the Chinese language had thrived all the way through into modern times. There was also an exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy works with some students writing on the scene, winning whole-hearted praises from the audience. What won the most applause was the students’ poetry recitation competition, which fully displayed the rhythm and image of Chinese literary works.

All the participants thought highly of the Chinese Language Day Celebrations saying that it not only has helped them build up their cultural confidence but also motivated them to make contributions to the global understanding of our language and culture.



This Wednesday afternoon witnessed a friendly basketball game between students and teachers which was aimed at enriching our campus life and encouraging more students to take physical exercise.

Bathed in sunshine, student players from Grade 3 competed against their teachers on the school basketball court surrounded by all the rest students who were watching and cheering excitedly Both teams were playing at their best in high spirits Although the teachers took the lead in the game at first the students did not lose heart and tried to catch up with their opponents. The match was filled with great excitement and passion, ending in a draw of 36:36.

Both the players and audiences had great fun in the exciting game. Not only did it relieve the students’ intense pressure from study, but their relationship with the teachers was also strengthened.



你校英语报English World将开展以Every Person Is Remarkable”为主题的征文活动,讲述身边楷模的故事。假如你是该报主编,请根据下面的提示写一则英语征稿启事。内容包括:




Contributions Wanted

Aiming to inspire people to lead a meaningful life and learn from role models English World is establishing a new column and calling for articles themed “Every Person is Remarkable”.

It is well-known that heroes are ordinary people with great hearts. Anyone with determination strong sense of responsibility and extraordinary willingness to devote is supposed to be remarkable and worthy learning. As a consequence, if you admire someone for the above-mentioned traits, feel free to submit your excellent work toenglishworld@163com before May 20th Not only can you demonstrate your literary competence but also spread positive energy and help build a harmonious society. What deserves your special attention is that your work should be limited to 1000 words.

Your active participation is highly anticipated! If adopted your contribution will be published as soon as possible.






New Members Wanted

Traditional Chinese Painting Club is in great need of new members. If you are enthusiastic about traditional Chinese painting, this is a good opportunity for you!

Traditional Chinese Painting Club was founded on September 1st2019which consists of 30 students and 2 teachers. To arouse your interest in Chinese paintings, activities of a great variety are provided on a regular basis, ranging from training for green hands, painting outdoors to visiting art exhibitions. What is worth mentioning is that your outstanding works will be on show at the Art Festival By joining in our well-organized activities not only can you form a circle of friends with similar hobbies, but also you can get easier access to our excellent history and culture.

If interested, please scan the QR code and fill in the application form. Looking forward to your participation.











Good morning. It’s my pleasure to present my group’s wallpaper to you. With the theme of Welcoming the Beijing Winter Olympics, our wallpaper consists of three sections: the history of the Winter Olympic Games, major winter sports as well as the Olympic sportsmanship

Our wallpaper will definitely leave a deep impression on you. The history of this event is arranged to the left: of a brief introduction to figure skating, freestyle skiing and short track, between which is the Olympic motto painted in red. Our well-designed layout can clearly show the papers major information. When it comes to the handwriting, our handwriting is neat and clear for which can safely say that it will beat all other entries. Another highlight lies in its pictures. We attached abundant vivid pictures to the paper so as to arouse students’ interest in reading it.

Please vote for us.Your support will be greatly appreciated Thank you!


(2023广东一模)假定你是李华,校英语学习俱乐部负责人。你们邀请到了Smith教授在线作主题为“How toWrite andEnioyPoems”专题讲座,请你在讲座前作简要发言,内容包括:




Welcome to your arrival. Exceedingly privileged to invite professor Smith to deliver an online lecture regarding “How to Write and Enjoy Poems”, I couldn’t help extending our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to him.

Professor Smith, a distinguished poet is proficient in poems and have a remarkable insight into it. The following four aspects of poems will be elaborated: meter, rhyme, stanza and judgment, thus making us have a fantastic taste of their characteristics. Through this lecture not only can we comprehend the unique as well as extraordinary charm of poetry but also enhance our capability of appreciating and writing poems.

Aimed at providing a sound lecture environment please switch off your phone or turn off its ring Additionally, there will be an interactive session during the course of the lecture we are expected to enthusiastically be engaged in.

That’s all thank you.


为迎接国外姐妹学校来访师生,学校准备选拔“文化交谊小使者(Young Ambassador for Cultural Exchange)”,你打算参加。请写一份英语竞选演讲稿。内容包括:



Good morning, dear judges!

I’m Candidate No.1Li Hua from Grade One. It’s my great honor to have the opportunity to run

for the Young Ambassador for Cultural Exchange

I am qualified for this position due to my following advantages. Firstly, with a good command of English, I can communicate with our honored friends with great ease. In addition, I’ve been a volunteer of our city’s museum enabling me to be not only an excellent companion of the guests but also a carrier for our splendid culture. Most importantly, I am a student with outgoing, enthusiastic and responsible personality, which makes it possible for me to get along well with others quickly and easily.

Please vote for me! I’m the very person you are looking for. Thanks for your listening





Dear friends,

How time flies! Two weeks have passed since you came to our school for the exchange program which we all have benefited from.

During these two weeks, we have studied and lived together which gives us the opportunity to promote our friendship. Doing sports as a team has enabled us to know each other better. Your art skills are excellent and admirable which leaves me a deep impression. I think all our classmates have learned a lot from our communication and the various activities.

Now, on behalf of my schoolmates, I wish you a safe return. I also hope that there will be more events of this kind in the future.

Thank you.








1海洋的重要性;   2如何保护;   3. 提出希望

When it comes to ocean, its environmental issues ranging from overfishing, plastic pollution to oil spill, have drawn wide attention among the public. It is high time that we took action right now!

As is known to all ocean plays a significant role in our world Not only does ocean offer us a great variety of foods, but also it maintains the balance of nature. Thus, it is vital to protect ocean. First, of all what we can do is to attach great importance to our daily activities like garbage sorting to avoid water pollution. What’s more, we can also design posters to appeal to more people to join this action.

“I hold a firm belief that only by making joint efforts can we make a great difference to our shared ocean.


假定你是学校官网英语版学生编辑李华,校学生会将举行送你一朵花(A Flower for You)活动,请你写一则倡议,内容包括:




To make the world a place full of appreciation compassion and and love the activity“ A Flowe for You launched by the Students Union is to kick off.

Running throughout next week, the activity comes in different forms. We can give the flower to ourselves, who have always been devoted to our study with constant efforts. Also, the flower can go to the students in trouble, showing our care and brightening up their day. One particular flower should be intended for our parents and teachers who have been guiding us on our growth without expecting anything in return. More creative initiatives are also welcome.

We believe that such a small act of kindness can go a long way and encourage all students to participate.







为提高学生的锻炼意识和环保意识,你校学生会将于下周日上午9点在市公园组织一次 plogging活动(跑步捡垃圾活动),请你根据提示给全校师生写一则通知,内容包括:

1. 活动目的;        2.活动内容;          3注意事项。


To raise students’ awareness of doing physical exercise and protecting the environment, the Student Union intends to launch a plogging activity

Actually, plogging is a new fitness trend with lots of advantages. Not only can you build up your body while jogging but also you can pickup rubbish along the road which definitely contributes to the low-carbon lifestyle. It is at 9 am next Sunday that the activity will take place in the city park which will last about two hours

Anyone interested in itis welcome. You’d better wear comfortable sports shoes and arrive on time.







With the aim of helping seniors better plan their future our school will invite Mr. Smith, an expert of this field to give seniors a lecture on a clear life purpose and career planning, which is scheduled to last 2 hours, from 3:00to 5:00 next Friday afternoon in the school hall.

Through vivid case study, Mr. Smith will mainly talk about what life purpose and career planning are and the importance role they play in our life. Besides, he’ll explain how students can have a clear life purpose and how a student can gradually figure out what career suits him or her best. After that, there will be a Q&A session, where students can voice out their puzzlement and get the respective and well-directed resolutions.

All the seniors are required to come on time. Your participation will surely make a difference






3.参赛要求(英文字幕、不超过 10分钟……)。


We are going to hold a short video competition featuring the theme I Love My Family.

Your video can focus on a typical day in your family, great changes in your family, your family history or anything you like about your family, showing great love special talents good relationships or any other positive values. Your entry is to be sent to [email protected] by June 5thThen experts will grade your video and decide the 3 first prize winners(¥500 each)the 6 second prize winners(¥300each)and the 9third prize winners(¥100 each). Your entry is required to run no longer than 10 minutes with English subtitles. Good shooting techniques are also appreciated.

Welcome to participate!

The School English Club April 13, 2023






Dear Alice

I’d like to invite you to write an article for our school’s English newspaper which is popular among us students especially the articles about health.

The “Healthy Lifestyle” section carries a wide variety of articles written by foreign friends about their opinions on their balanced diet, healthy food, food safety or physical exercise. Since you are always having the good habit of keeping early hours would you please share something about how to keep a healthy schedule? By the way, your article may have a title made up by yourself. You can also write anything relevant as long as it’s interesting and informative400 words would be fine. Could we have your article before August 20?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours, Li Hua





3.表达感谢。 Dear Chris,

As scheduled, a class meeting themed “Chinese Traditional Culture” is to be held by our school and it will be shown on an English website Knowing that you are a fan of Chinese culture, I am writing to inquire some relevant details of you.

For one thing, Id like to know which Chinese intangible culture attracts you most. As is universally acknowledged China has profound and extensive traditional cultures; like tea culture Peking opera, and the Chinese calligraphy. For another, could you be so kind as to tell me among a great variety of historical places of interest such as the Great wall the famous West Lake, etc., which appeals to you most? I believe your answers may bring our meeting to a great success.

Thank you for your kindness, and your early reply to this letter will be highly appreciated.

Yours, Li Hua





Dear David,

More than delighted to learn that you have started learning Chinese, I’d like to offer some practical suggestions with regard to how to have a better command of Chinese.

With proper guidance and enough practice, you’re bound to learn Chinese well. Initially,to expose you to an authentic learning atmosphere and will help you develop a better understanding of

Chinese culture. it is advisable that you regularly watch some Chinese leaning programs Secondly

making some Chinese friends and communicating with them as much as possible are wise choices too which contributes to improving your oral Chinese and building up your confidence. Lastly, it is necessary for you to read some Chinese books, thus enabling you to appreciate the charm of the language,

Hopefully my tips above can be of some help. Wish you every success.

Yours, Li Hua






Dear Peter,

I am more than delighted to hear from you. You asked me in your letter about the physical exercise in our school and the following information may give you a rough sketch.

Overlooked from the sky, our grand new stadium is in the shape of a shell. It mainly consists of 4 basketball courts 2 tennis courts and a swimming pool, which has become the new landmark in our school. With the stadium set up a wide range of sports events are provided on a regular basis, of which ping-pong and tennis as well as basketball competitions enjoy great popularity. As for me, I have a preference for basketball since it teaches me to take up challenges and confront difficulties with determination.

All in all, I sincerely invite you to come to our school and see for yourself.

Yours, Li Hua





3. 能做的事。

Dear Sir or Madam

I am Li Hua, a Chinese student studying in London on this summer vacation. Learning that volunteers are needed for the coming Chinese painting exhibition in your local art gallery, I can’t wait to apply for the position.

The reasons why I think I am qualified for the job arc as follows. To begin with, my fluent English enables me to communicate smoothly with British painting lovers. Moreover, with a wide knowledge of Chinese painting, I can introduce the art form better. Better yet, I’ve participated in several similar activities, which equipped me with relevant experience.

If accepted, I will spare no effort to introduce those paintings on display and answer questions patiently. I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.

Yours, Li Hua







Dear George,

I’m writing to seek for your help as I am faced with some difficulties in preparing the English Reading Competition to be launched by our school.

Designed for appreciating the beauty of English poetry, the competition requests every player to choose a suitable poem and recite it on their own within five minutes. Meanwhile, poems are required to convey the themes of nature, happiness and hope. For lack of relevant knowledge and experience, I am at a loss about which poem to choose and what skills to employ.Therefore. I am wondering if you could recommend some poems and offer some reading skills which will be of great help to me.

I am convinced that the English Reading Competition will witness my success under your guidance. I would appreciate it if you give your early reply at your convenience.

Yours, Li Hua


假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教 Mr.Jenkins写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。

Dear Mr. Jenkins,

I’m Li Hua, a student from your class. With an application and a resume badly in need of improvement, I’m writing with anxiety to see if you could do me a favor.

To develop my independence and enrich my experience, I am determined to apply for a part-time job in a foreign company this summer. I have already prepared an application and a resume. However, a little unsure, I sincerely hope you could help me to enhance them which will create a good impression. Therefore, would you be so kind to help me with attached materials, such as the expression and format?

Your generous help and immediate response are enthusiastically expected and will be truly appreciated.

Yours, Li Hua




1. 词典名称;

2. 推荐理由;


Dear Henry,

In response to your requirement of what dictionary to choose, I am eagerly writing to recommend a dictionary called Xinhua Dictionary to you.

As a native speaker, it seems to me that it is a helpful tool, especially for the beginners. Initially with an abundance of vocabulary and precise explanations it is bound to help you to have a good command of Chinese characters, even the four-character idioms. Additionally, it contains the stroke of each character, accompanied by pinyin and tone, making it easy for you to write and pronounce each character correctly. What is more appealing attractive is its reasonable price which is affordable to almost everyone.

I hope you can find my recommendation useful and wish you big progress in Chinese.

Yours, Li Hua





3.注册方法 Dear Edward,

Thrilled to learn that you’re learning Chinese I strongly recommend you www.edchinese.com for the following reasons.

Intended for non-Chinese speakers, this website enjoys a high popularity for its various resources ranging from dialogue, Chinese idioms to Tang poems among which you’ll find a suitable one. Furthermore, Chinese movies and songs are also what you can’t miss which is guaranteed to make you immersed in the charm of Chinese language and-arouse your desire to explore further. Additionally, if bumps get in the way of your exploration the online teachers will offer you timely assistance free of charge. You can either call at123456 or send an email [email protected] to sign up for the course.

Hope you find it beneficial and I sincerely wish you a pleasant journey of Chinese learning

Yours, Li Hua




1. 写信目的;


3.活动内容。 Dear Tom,

Knowing that you’ll visit Hangzhou, I’m so excited! Considering your passion for Chinese culture, I’d like to invite you to join our school’s Chinese Culture winter camp, which will offer you a better understanding of China. Some details about it are as follows.

The winter camp to be held on December 1st will last for a week with various activities. As scheduled, you’ll pay a visit to the Song City, a theme park where you can have a taste of a range of ancient Chinese cultures. Moreover, you’ll have a first-hand experience of tea culture by tasting West Lake Longiing tea, one of the most famous teas in China. Exploring Hangzhou Museum, you will immerse yourself in China’s profound history and splendid culture through its collections.

Wish you an enjoyable trip in Hangzhou. I can’t wait to see you!

Yours, Li Hua




2. 活动意义;


Dear Alice,

I’m Li Hua, chairman of the English Club. Feeling highly honored, I am writing to invite you to be a judge of our school’s English drama competition which is scheduled to beh eld at 8:00amnext Sunday at the school hall.

Not only will this activity provide a splendid opportunity to practise oral English, but it will also cultivate our insight into western cultural heritage. Therefore, in terms of the drama’s comprehension of the theme and the fluency of performers’ English you can give remarks and instructions. Furthermore, your suggestions related to English culture will be appreciated.

Will you be gracing us with your presence? Looking forward to your involvement.

Yours, Li Hua






Dear Anne,

I’m writing to extend my sincere gratitude for your unreserved help and tender care during my stay in London without which I wouldn’t have enjoyed it so much.

During the week what left me a lasting impression were the comfortable room delicious meals and the hospitality of your family, all of which made me feel at home. Moreover, guided by you,  I was honored to get a chance to visit those tourist attractions in London and be exposed to such an amazing culture as well as beautiful scenery It was your generous help that enabled me to deepen the understanding of your country and culture.

My true appreciation is beyond description. I will be more than happy to have the opportunity to show you around Beijing in reward for your kindness.

Yours, Li Hua





Dear Brown,

I’m writing to convey our sincere appreciation to you for the lecture you gave last Wednesday without which our school’s English Cultural Festival this year would not have been such a success.

The lecture you gave on the role English plays in cross-cultural communication is the best the campus has ever seen. In the past few days we have received a flood of emails from the audience telling us how your lecture has helped them correct the mistaken belief that English is only a tool. In one student’s own words, “It allows me to reflect on my English learning from a new perspective language ability matters, but not more than cultural awareness.”

Thank you again and we look forward to more wonderful lectures from you in the future.

Yours, Li Hua






Dear Hand,

I’m Li Hua. I’m so excited about our upcoming virtual lesson to introduce Traditional Sports Events. On behalf of my class, I’m writing to propose some ideas and confirm related details about it.

The lesson will serve as a channel for students to realize that traditional sports are not only the essence of a culture but also the pride of a country. So for our part we are considering introducing several typical sports activities including martial arts dragon boat race and so on. To achieve the best effect interactive forms such as presentations and live shows will be adopted As for the time and way, we’d like to have the lesson scheduled between April 3 and April 7lasting 3 hours through an online conference application.

Does our proposal work well on your side? Looking forward to your earliest reply

Yours, Li Hua






Dear Peter,

Learning that you have graduated from a famous University. I’m writing to extend my warm congratulations to you.

As for me, I am suffering from confusion when choosing my major. Initially what Im concerned about lies in whether the major will be suitable for me. Additionally, I prefer the one that is beneficia to my career prospects, instead of so-called popular major. To avoid making my decision blindly, I expect you to recommend some practical proposals to me including analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of a certain profession.

I would appreciate it if you could do me a favor. Looking forward to your early reply

Yours, Li Hua


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