





27. Which of the following best describes Whaley as a teacher?

A. Humorous.                         B. Ambitious.                      C. Caring.             D. Demanding.


27. What can we infer about the author from the text?

A. He loves poetry.              B. He’s an editor.    C. He’s very ambitious.            D. He teaches reading.


25. Which of the following best describes Titterton’s job on stage?

A. Boring.                    B. Well-paid.                C. Demanding.                    D. Dangerous.


34. What is the author’s attitude to the popularization of emotional intelligence?

A. Favorable.               B. Intolerant.                C. Doubtful.                 D. Unclear.



1. 赞同(支持)
positive 肯定的, 实际的, 积极的,, 确实的
favorable 赞成的, 有利的, 赞许的, 良好的
approval 赞成, 承认, 正式批准
enthusiasm 狂热, 热心, 积极性
supportive 支持,赞成

2. 否定(反对)
negative 否定的, 消极的, 负的, 阴性的
disapproval 不赞成的
opposed  反对的                                          
critical 批评的
criticism 批评批判
disgusting 令人厌恶, 令人反感

3 怀疑(不确定)
suspicion 猜疑, 怀疑
suspicious (~ of) 可疑的, 怀疑的
uncertain  不确定的
doubtful 可疑的, 不确的, 疑心的
questionable 有疑问的,怀疑的
puzzling 使迷惑的, 使莫明其妙的

4. 客观
objective 客观的
neutral 中立的
impartial 公平的, 不偏不倚的
disinterested 无私的
unbiased 没有偏见的
unprejudiced 公平的, 无偏见的, 没有成见的
detached 不含个人偏见的

5. 主观
subjective 主观的, 个人的
indifference 不关心
tolerance 宽容,容忍,忍受
pessimism 悲观, 悲观主义
gloomy 黑暗的, 阴沉的, 令人沮丧的, 阴郁的
optimistic 乐观的
sensitive 有感觉的, 敏感[锐]的,易受伤害的
scared 恐惧的
reserved 保留的, 包租的
consent 同意, 赞成, 答应,同意, 赞成, 允诺
radical 激进的
moderate 中等的, 适度的, 适中的v.缓和

6. 积极
objective 客观的
concerned 关注的
confident 自信的, 确信的
interested 感兴趣的, 有成见的, 有权益的
optimistic 乐观的
positive 正面的
impressive 给人深刻印象的, 感人的

7. 中立/折中
impartial 公平的, 不偏不倚的
neutral 中立的
impersonal 非个人的
factual 事实的, 实际的,根据事实的
detached 不含个人偏见

8. 消极 (通常不作为选项)
negative 消极的                          
indifferent 漠不关心的    
depressed 消沉的   
subjective 主观的                         
pessimistic 悲观的       
unconcerned 不关心的                     
contemptuous 轻蔑的, 侮辱的
hostile 敌对的, 敌方的                    
biased 片面的



  • 篇章一

A new property development in Austin, Texas is set to become the world’s largest community of 3D-printed homes. Scheduled to break ground next year, the project will feature 100 single-story houses with their roofs covered in solar cells. Printed on-site using advanced robotic construction and a concrete-based building material, each of the houses will take approximately a week to build.

According to ICON, a Texas-based construction firm specializing in 3D-printed structures, its technology is significantly faster and cheaper than conventional construction methods, partly because it requires less manual labor.

“Construction-scale 3D printing not only delivers homes faster and more affordably, but fleets of printers can change the way that entire communities are built for the better,” said Ballard,CEO of ICON. “The United States faces a deficit of approximately 5 million new homes, so there is an urgent need to swiftly increase supply without compromising quality, beauty, or sustainability and that is exactly the strength of our technology.”,

Advocates believe that the method can cut waste and carbon dioxide emissions. The ability of 3D printers to construct buildings without formwork can significantly reduce overall use of the material、which is responsible for about 8% of global CO2 emissions annually. A recent study in Singapore, for instance, found that constructing a bathroom unit using 3D printing produced almost 86% less carbon dioxide than conventional construction methods.

Critics have meanwhile pointed out that 3D concrete printing still relies on a non-renewable material, and that structures’ safety and stability are not specifically addressed by existing building codes.

Although ICON has yet to reveal prices for the project, Ballard claimed at a press conference that it could deliver a much higher-quality product to the housing market that is typically not available for low-income families. Hopefully, the technology can also be used to fight homelessness and may be employed during disaster relief.

“3D printing is not science fiction,” Ballard said at the time. “We have crossed that doorway from science fiction into reality. In the future,our bet is that this will be humanity’s best hope for a housing solution that matches our highest values and ideals.”

35.What’s the author’s attitude towards the project?

A. Critical.      B. Indifferent.       C. Objective.         D. Approving


Para 1  The author introduced a topic , the project which is called 3D printed homes.

Para 2-3 It describes current condition of construction-scale 3D printing.

Para 4  Advocates state the advantages of 3D printed structure technology.

Para 5  Critics points out the disadvantage of 3D printing.

Para 6-7 The author concludes that 3D printing have come into a new future and expresses his attitude.


Scheduled to break ground next year, the project will feature 100 single-story houses with their roofs covered in solar cells. Printed on-site using advanced robotic construction and a concrete-based building material, each of the houses will take approximately a week to build. 【para 1】

According to ICON, a Texas-based construction firm specializing in 3D-printed structures, its technology is significantly faster and cheaper than conventional construction methods, partly because it requires less manual labor. 【para 2】

Advocates believe that the method can cut waste and carbon dioxide emissions. 【para 4】

Critics have meanwhile pointed out that 3D concrete printing still relies on a non-renewable material, and that structures’ safety and stability are not specifically addressed by existing building codes. 【para 5】


Although ICON has yet to reveal prices for the project, Ballard claimed at a press conference that it could deliver a much higher-quality product to the housing market that is typically not available for low-income families. Hopefully, the technology can also be used to fight homelessness and may be employed during disaster relief. 【para 6】

“3D printing is not science fiction,” Ballard said at the time. “We have crossed that doorway from science fiction into reality. In the future,our bet is that this will be humanity’s best hope for a housing solution that matches our highest values and ideals.” 【para 7】


35.What’s the author’s attitude towards the project?

A. Critical.      B. Indifferent.       C. Objective.         D. Approving


1 态度的特点有哪些?




2 客观态度和主观态度的区分


3 客观是否等于中立?

4 客观和赞成怎么区分?赞成倾向于主观

【对应原文】“3D printing is not science fiction,” Ballard said at the time. “We have crossed that doorway from science fiction into reality. In the future,our bet is that this will be humanity’s best hope for a housing solution that matches our highest values and ideals.”



  • 例题巩固(10分钟)


There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the influence of media is growing stronger and stronger as time passes. If you have noticed, the speed at which news travels around the world has become faster with the development and advancement in technology Media are actually influencing people in different ways.

Whether you admit it or not, watching movies and programs on the television or our laptop. ipad and other mobile devices as we relax takes us away into this different kingdom—that is, there are parts in our being that feels we are the ones in the movie and sometimes we even feel what they are feeling as we get caught in the emotional excitement. The effect of media does not stop when the movie or program ends. And this effect might just be the cause of behavioral changes in people.

With action films, children tend to follow the movie hero, engaging them to violent acts thinking that it is acceptable because his hero became successful in the end. There are cartoon programs that show acts of violence and dishonest acts against others. In return, children tend to copy the characters and think that cheating other people is a way to deal with their problems. They learn to transfer these ill behaviors to friends.

There are some television shows and movies that attempt to create an atmosphere to change the view of people towards social issues such as racial discrimination. In the minds of other people, the effect can be for the better, but some unfortunately for the worse.

There had been instances in the past that young people drunk driving imitating their favorite actress. There was also a case where somebody set a subway ticket booth on fire because he saw it in his favorite film. These are just a few examples of the disturbing influence of media on people’s behavior.

An explanation to these bad acts is that these people could not distinguish fantasy from reality. They get caught up in the kingdom of what they had been watching and the images and scenes become deeply rooted in their minds.

So the media is largely responsible for giving people false ideas and unhealthy pictures, which lead to misbehavior against other people, and can create a dangerous cycle among individuals as they attempt to do the same or even worse things to others. The sad reality is, no one is tuning off their televisions or disconnecting from these influences. The only way programming of this sort will change is when people no longer buy into it, demand it, and watch it.

12.What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 2?

A.What it is that changes our emotion.

B.How media affect people’s behavior.

C.Why we are attracted by movies and programs.

D.Whether people feel being taken away from the reality.

13.According to the author, some people act badly because________.

A.they are just the violent people

B.they hope to solve social problems

C.they actually can’t tell fantasy from reality

D.they want to change people’s attitudes towards media

14.What’s the author’s attitude towards media?

A.Sympathetic.  B.Critical.          C.Supportive.    D.Cautious.

15.The author supports his ideas mainly by________.

A.making contrasts and giving examples

B.listing facts and giving research results

C.raising problems and providing solutions

D.showing facts and presenting explanations

  • 有关作者态度题的做题步骤:
  • 通读全文,把握主旨
  • 捕捉文章中的段落主旨及框架性的句子





Several years ago, Jason Box, a scientist from Ohio, flew 31 giant rolls of white plastic to a glacier (冰川) in Greenland. He and his team spread them across 10,000 feet of ice, then left. His idea was that the white blanket would reflect back the rays of the sun, keeping the ice cool below. When he came back to check the results, he found it worked. Exposed ice had melted faster than covered ice. He had not only saved two feet of glacier in a short time. No coal plants were shut down, no jobs were lost, and nobody was taxed or fired. Just the sort of fix we’re looking for.

“Thank you, but no thank you.” says Ralph King. a climate scientist. He told Grey Childs, author and commentator, that people think technology can save the planet, “but there are other things we need to deal with, like consumption. They burned $50,000 just for the helicopter” to bring the plastic to the glacier. This experiment, quote-unquote, gives people false hope that climate change can be fixed without changing human behavior. It can’t. Technology won’t give us a free ride.

Individuals respond to climate change differently. Climatologist Kelly Smith is hardly alone in her prediction that someday soon we won’t be climate victims, we will be climate Choosers. More scientists agree with her that if the human race survives, the engineers will get smarter, the tools will get better, and one day we will control the climate. but that then? “Just the mention of us controlling the climate sent a small shiver down my back, Grey writes.” “Something sounded wrong about stopping ice by our own will,” he says.

      Me? I like it better when the earth takes care of itself, I guess one day we will have to run the  place, but for the moment, sitting at my desk, looking out at the trees bending wildly and the wind howling, I’m happy not to be in charge.

32. Why does the author mention Jason Box’s experiment in the first paragraph?

A. To introduce a possible solution to climate change.

B. To describe a misleading attempt to fix the climate.

C. To report on a successful experiment on saving the glacier.

D. To arouse people’s attention to the problem of global warming.

33. Which statement would Ralph King most probably agree with?

A. The fight against climate change will not succeed.

B. Technology is-not the final solution, let alone its high cost.

C. It’s best to deal with climate change without changing our behavior.

D. Jason’s experiment plays a significant role in fixing climate change.

34. What is Grey Childs’s attitude to human’s controlling the climate?

 A. Favorable      B. Tolerant           C. Doubtful.         D. Unclear.

35. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A. But should we fix the climate?

B. Is climate change a real problem?

C. How can we take care of the earth?

D. What if all the glaciers disappeared?


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