






Sam was worried. The following morning, he would have art class. It was his favourite class, but there was a ___16___.Sam saw the world differently from everybody else. When he drew, birds had different-sized wings, and buildings had strange shapes. Every time he painted a picture, his teachers and classmates would be ___17___.

It was time for the art class. Nervously, Sam looked at the white piece of paper in front of him.

“Good morning, class,” said Mr White. “Today, we’re going to paint ….”

Sam ___18___, wondering what the next word would be. Please, he thought, not houses. Not buildings….

“We’re going to paint  ___19___ said Mr White with a smile.

“Yes! Great!” said Sam ___20___.

“We can’t paint that!” shouted Mike from the other side of the classroom.

“Sure, you can,” replied Mr White ___21___ . “Think about it, Mike. What makes you happy?”

“Umm … beaches, sunshine, and…. ice-cream!” said Mike.

“Well, there you go. That’s how you paint it. Start working!” said Mr White.

Sam was already ___22___. He splashed(泼洒) large amounts of paint all over the ___23___. It was really beautiful! There were shapes that we didn’t have in the real world and the colours were so shining. The whole class ___24___ and Sam looked proud.

From that day on Sam was never ___25___ about art class. He knew that he could paint happiness, no matter what he painted.

16. A.difference            B. problem           C. reason              D. way

17. A.encouraged          B.relaxed              C.satisfied            D. surprised

18. A.agreed                B. replied             C.understood        D. waited

19. A.buildings             B. houses              C. happiness         D. summer

20. A.excitedly             B. carelessly         C. kindly              D. sadly

21. A.angrily                B.patiently            C. secretly            D. worriedly

22. A.painting              B.playing              C. talking             D. writing

23. A.book                   B. floor                C.paper                D. wall

24. A.cheered               B. doubted          C. finished            D. regretted

25. A.careful                B. certain              C.happy               D. nervous

KEYS:16-20BDDCA       21-25BACAD



What is one of the best parts of travelling abroad? It’s the food, of course! It can be a ____16____ experience to enjoy different foods that are prepared by locals.

I came to know this after my travel in China. Ever since I was a boy, I have always enjoyed eating Chinese food at home in America. But, to be honest, I only ____17____ about vegetable lo meins (捞面) and spring rolls because these were commonly served in the restaurants near my home. I knew that real Chinese dishes  ____18____ greatly from the ones that could be found in those places. Before I left for China, I felt worried about whether I would really end up enjoying the food or not. After all, I had never been a very brave or open-minded ____19____ and I wouldn’t put anything new into my mouth.

During my first few days in Beijing, I did not ____20____ everything that I tried. I especially disliked breakfast. One of the most common breakfast items was baozi. I found it ____21____ that people ate so much meat for breakfast. But after these first couple of days, I ____22____ got used to the food. And I fell in love with one of Beijing’s most famous dishes — Peking duck. I especially liked the various tasty sauces and the thin, crispy (酥脆的) duck skin.

As I travelled to some other cities around China, I learned that each place had its own dishes that it  ____23____. I enjoyed rice noodles in Guilin, xiaolongbao in Shanghai, and hot pot in Chengdu. When it was time to return home, I felt upset. I knew that I would ____24____ the different kinds of foods throughout China.

Through my trip in China, I learned that to truly enjoy Chinese food, one must go directly to China. Yet more importantly, this trip taught me lo always have an open mind to ____25____ things.

16. A. heart-breaking            B. life-changing            C. day-dreaming           D. time-killing

17. A. cared                         B. thought                    C. talked                      D. knew

18. A. differed                     B. changed                   C. developed                D. improved

19. A. lover                         B. cook                        C. eater                        D. local

20. A. know                         B. remember                C. believe                    D. enjoy

21. A. strange                      B. boring                     C. wonderful                D. funny

22. A. only                          B. slowly                     C. immediately             D. surely

23. A. was good for              B. was known as           C. was served with        D. was famous for

24. A. notice                        B. learn                        C. miss                        D. accept

25. A. good                         B. new                         C. strange                    D. special


Grayson didn’t want to talk to anybody. His friends were all discussing their class projects for the weekend excitedly. Grayson’s cheeks grew warn with ____16____. How could they understand his feelings when their parents would help them? His parents worked all the time.

When school was over, Grayson ran out and raced home. He ____17____ his backpack on the floor, and walked heavily to his room.

“How was school today, Grayson?” Grandpa asked.

“It was okay, I guess.”

“It doesn’t seem like that.”

David told Grandpa about the ____18____. Each student needed to build something with an adult, and then made a report about it.

Grandpa listened ____19____. “That sounds nice,” he said. “Why are you so ____20____?”

David felt sadness rising inside him. “I don’t have anyone to help me.”

Grandpa raised his eyebrows. “What am I?” he asked. “A useless person?”

Grayson froze in ____21____. “You will do it with me, Grandpa?”

“Sure!” Grandpa said.

Grayson’s heart seemed so light. Maybe this project wasn’t so bad.

After dinner, they sat at the table and made a list of ideas. They settled on building a robot from old boxes.

When they finished, the kitchen table was a mess. But Grayson couldn’t stop ____22____.

“I think it’s the best robot I have ever built. Now I have to write my report,” Grayson said.

He ran to Grandpa’s side and hugged him. “Thank you, Grandpa. I had a lot of ____23____.”

“Me, too. Maybe next time we can ____24____ something that explodes, like a volcano.” Grandpa said.

Grayson smiled again. He could ____25____ wait.

16. A. happiness                  B. excitement               C. embarrassment         D. anger

17. A. took                          B. dropped                   C. displaced                 D. reached

18. A. project                       B. report                      C. bus                          D. school

19. A. angrily                      B. quietly                      C. sadly                       D. rudely

20. A. afraid                        B. upset                       C. excited                    D. cheerful

21. A. silence                       B. fear                         C. surprise                   D. difficulty

22. A. smiling                      B. tidying                     C. thinking                   D. watching

23. A. praises                       B. work                       C. problems                 D. fun

24. A. buy                           B. draw                        C. build                       D. write

25. A. suddenly                    B. hardly                      C. patiently                  D. easily


I’m Mable, a big red maple tree. I’ve been standing in the centre of People’s Park in a modern city. Every part of me is ____16____ shaped. I love seeing all the people take photos of me and say “That tree is beautiful!” Those ____17____ make me feel special and proud.

One day, I see a big storm coming my way. I can hear all the frightening sounds nearing, but the most frightening one is that of almost half of my bark (树皮) falls off. I feel ____18____. What will people think when they walk up to a broken tree in the middle of People’s Park? Will they cut me down? This ____19____ makes my branches painful.

Hours later, when the storm dies down, a nice opossum family comes to me and asks if they can spend the night in one of my holes. They get wet through so I can’t ____20____.

Soon round two of the storm comes. It blows off another part of my bark, but it doesn’t annoy me as much because I have something more important to ____21____: the opossum family. Other animals see my ____22____ act and come to me, too. I feel great for ____23____ them. However, I still haven’t completely ____24____ about what people might think about my appearance. To my surprise, people love me even more for housing all those animals from the terrible storm. I will forever remember that ____25____ doesn’t always refer to looks.

16. A. perfectly                    B. similarly                  C. correctly                  D. commonly

17. A. colours                      B. words                      C. parks                       D. storms

18. A. sorry                         B. nervous                   C. surprised                  D. lifeless

19. A. question                    B. sound                      C. thought                    D. accident

20. A. decide                       B. admit                       C. refuse                      D. complain

21. A. build up                     B. care about                C. look for                    D. depend on

22. A. friendly                     B. rapid                       C. painful                            D. annoying

23. A. feeding                      B. raising                     C. attracting                 D. protecting

24. A. learnt                        B. asked                       C. forgotten                  D. concerned

25. A. courage                     B. kindness                  C. intelligence              D. beauty


A 14-year-old boy Sun was on his way home on a Tuesday evening after school. When he was in the lift, it came to a stop for no reason. Feeling ____16____ at first, the teenager decided to help himself out because he knew it would be dangerous if he was kept there for too long. He wanted to open the lift door, but he gave up the idea later. He turned to lean against the wall instead, because he worried the lift might fall down ____17____. He then pressed all the buttons(按钮) in the ____18____ of getting the lift to work again, but it didn’t work. Sun then pressed the “stop” button to ____19____ the lift to keep it still and make sure it would not fall.

Without a cell phone at hand, Sun tried ____20____ to get the attention of people outside, but no one answered as time passed by. The young boy had to give up shouting. He sent a note through the door with the message and hoped someone could ____21____ and help him out.

With all these done, the boy knew it might take a long time before someone ____22____ him. So he decided to do his homework. He took out his textbooks and started to do his homework ____23____.

Soon after he finished his homework, he heard loud voices outside. A large crowd including his parents and teachers had come to the ____24____. Actually by that time he had been in the lift for over five hours. Finally, they got him out.

On Weibo, people spoke highly of him, because he could keep ____25____ in the face of such a dangerous situation.

16. A. relaxed                      B. bored                       C. hopeless                  D. frightened

17. A. slowly                       B. regularly                  C. suddenly                  D. hardly

18. A. danger                       B. fear                         C. hope                        D. joy

19. A. check                        B. repair                      C. open                        D. lock

20. A. shouting                    B. jumping                   C. kicking                    D. speaking

21. A. look it up                   B. pick it up                  C. put it up                   D. turn it up

22. A. saw                           B. followed                  C. found                      D. heard

23. A. angrily                      B. patiently                  C. carefully                  D. proudly

24. A. accident                     B. adventure                 C. rescue                      D. challenge

25. A. calm                          B. quiet                        C. healthy                    D. energetic


Everybody knows that Edison is a famous scientist who invented the electric light bulb. But maybe fewer people have ____16____ his being kind and forgiving towards others. The following is a true story about him.

At one point in his experiments, Edison had at last ____17____ a working bulb-the final result of hundreds of trials. It was the ____18____ electric light bulb that had ever been made, and Edison was full of pride and delight. He had dreamed of this moment for years. “Take it upstairs, Jimmy,” he said, handing it to his assistant, Jimmy Price. ____19____ there was a crash, and Edison turned around to see that his precious bulb had fallen to the ground and broken into pieces on the floor. Jimmy had let the bulb slip(滑落) through his fingers ____20____.

Edison said nothing, but everyone can imagine what his thoughts were. He went back to his work table and set to work once more to make another ____21____.

A few days later, a new bulb was finally ready. There it ____22____ on the table in front of its maker, fully completed. Then Edison did a very big thing. With a smile, he handed the new bulb to Jimmy. “Be careful this time,” he said. He was giving the young man another ____23____. Jimmy did not break it, so we have millions of bulbs in the world today.

As a proverb says, “Not the power to ____24____, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence.” Life is too short and no one is ____25____. If we can forgive those who have hurt us, we will have a better life.

16. A. heard about                B. worried about           C. brought about           D. looked about

17. A. sold                           B. produced                 C. accepted                  D. designed

18. A. best                           B. worst                       C. first                         D. last

19. A. Luckily                     B. Surprisedly              C. Finally                     D. Suddenly

20. A. sadly                         B. angrily                     C. carelessly                D. carefully

21. A. fan                            B. bulb                        C. phone                      D. book

22. A. leaned                       B. held                         C. put                          D. lay

23. A. chance                       B. hand                        C. reason                     D. talk

24. A. receive                      B. remember                C. keep                        D. improve

25. A. strong                        B. nice                         C. bad                          D. perfect


Once in a small village, there lived a man with his four sons. The man hoped that his sons could learn to give opinions about things ____16____. So he gave his four sons a question in turn asking them to go to see a pear tree at a distance in different ____17____. The sons promised they would not let their father down.

The first son ____18____ out in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the youngest in autumn. One year passed, when all of them returned home, the father called them together to ____19____ what they had seen. The first son said the tree was ____20____, it wasn’t worth seeing at all. And it seemed that it wouldn’t bear any fruit, either.

The second son said it was not like that. The tree was covered in green buds (芽) and made people feel full of ____21____.

The third son disagreed, saying that it was full of flowers which smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful. And he said that everyone would ____22____ it.

The last son disagreed with all of them, saying that it was filled with fruit and full of life. People would be ____23____ with it.

At last, the four sons’ eyes were fixed on their father. The father ____24____. Then he told his four sons that they were all correct, they only saw the tree in one season. He told his sons that they could not ____25____ a tree or a person only by one season, and that the essence(本质) of a person could only be measured when all the seasons are taken into account.

16. A. quickly                      B. slowly                     C. properly                   D. immediately

17. A. places                        B. gardens                    C. shapes                     D. seasons

18. A. played                       B. set                           C. waited                     D. reached

19. A. describe                     B. draw                        C. write                       D. record

20. A. beautiful                    B. awful                       C. wonderful                D. helpful

21. A. hope                          B. pity                         C. anger                       D. doubt

22. A. hate                           B. throw                      C. destroy                    D. enjoy

23. A. satisfied                    B. shocked                   C. frightened                D. angry

24. A. signed                       B. smiled                     C. cried                        D. shouted

25. A. like                           B. judge                       C. find                         D. hear


Little George lived in a poor village. One summer day, George’s mother sent him to the field to pick up some dried ____16____ for the fire.

It was not easy for him to find it. By the time the sun was high, he felt very hot and wished for a ____17____ place to rest and have some food. As he walked along, he found some shade, and there were some fine and wild strawberries.

“How ____18____ these will be with my bread and butter!” thought George. He picked up all of the strawberries. As he was ____19____ the first strawberry to his mouth he remembered his sick mother, who was alone in her dark cold room in the village.

With this in mind, he put the strawberry back again. “Shall I ____20____ them for my mum?” he asked himself.

He thought these strawberries would raise her spirits. However, he was still ____21____ them with a longing eye.

“I will eat half, and take the other half to her.” he said. He ____22____ them into two parts, but each part looked so small. He put them together again.

“I will only eat one.” he thought.

However, as he again lifted it to his mouth, he found that he had taken the finest, and he put it back.

When the sun was beginning to sink, George set out for home happily with all his strawberries for his sick mother.

He heard his mother’s weak ____23____ calling him “Is that you George? I am glad you have come back. I am thirsty and longing for some tea.”

George ran to her and ____24____ offered his wild strawberries. You saved them for me, didn’t you? she said, laying her hand fondly on his head with tears in her eyes.

Could eating the strawberries give George half the ____25____ he felt at this moment?

16. A. strawberries               B. wood                       C. soil                          D. fuel

17. A. cool                          B. warm                       C. quiet                        D. noisy

18. A. terrible                      B. excellent                  C. interesting                D. annoying

19. A. lifting                        B. climbing                  C. growing                   D. waving

20. A. plant                         B. protect                      C. serve                       D. save

21. A. looking for                 B. looking up                C. looking at                 D. looking after

22. A. compared                  B. searched                  C. changed                   D. divided

23. A. noise                         B. sound                      C. voice                       D. cry

24. A. sadly                         B. angrily                      C. curiously                 D. joyfully

25. A. sadness                      B. happiness                 C. kindness                  D. illness


Respecting teachers has always been a tradition in China. Yang Shi was a philosopher in the Northern Song Dynasty. One day, he and his schoolmates had different ideas on a question. To get a ____16____ answer, he went to visit Cheng Yi, the famous philosopher. At Cheng’s house, however, the guarding kid told him that Mr. Cheng was meditating (冥想) in his ____17____ and asked him to go back. Yang ____18____ to leave, so the kid left him alone and went in.

After a while, it began to snow ____19____. The little boy came out again and reminded Yang that Mr. Cheng might spend the whole aftermoon meditating. He invited Yang to warm himself in the house to ____20____ the wind and snow. But Yang kept standing in the snow and waiting outside in order that he could ask Cheng’s ____21____ on the question.

As soon as Cheng finished meditating, the boy reported that Yang was waiting outside. When Cheng ____22____ this, he came out to see Yang. When the door was opened, everyone was ____23____. The snow was more than a foot deep, but Yang stood still, without ____24____ his feet. “Young man, why are you so silly? You could have come again someday!” Cheng took Yang to the room at once.

Cheng was very happy and accepted Yang as his student because of Yang’s politeness and efforts. He told Yang all his philosophical thoughts. That made a big ____25____ to Yang’s life. Later, Yang really learned a lot and made great contributions (贡献) to his country.

16. A. simple                       B. correct                     C. long                        D. popular

17. A. farm                          B. car                          C. hotel                        D. room

18. A. hoped                        B. decided                    C. refused                    D. wanted

19. A. heavily                      B. early                        C. deeply                     D. carefully

20. A. find                           B. avoid                       C. catch                       D. hide

21. A. method                      B. rule                         C. record                      D. opinion

22. A. heard                         B. achieved                  C. forgot                      D. received

23. A. excited                      B. relaxed                    C. shocked                   D. bored

24. A. smelling                    B. washing                   C. cutting                     D. moving

25. A. difference                  B. choice                     C. decision                   D. plan


On my first day of junior high school, I was attracted to Elizabeth’s beautiful, shining eyes. Later, when she was seated in front of me, I ___16___ her long black hair. What a pretty girl!

We have many things ___17___, such as sharing the same ideas, shopping together and reading novels. We also praise each other. I am a ___18___ person who often forgets important things, but Elizabeth helps me out. One day, I forgot to bring my ruler for a Maths ___19___, and I felt very worried. At that moment, Elizabeth ___20___ and said, “I guessed this might happen, so I brought two.” With her help, I didn’t feel worried and got excellent grades in that exam.

What ___21___ me most was something that happened during our military training (军训). One cold night, I ate so many potato chips that I got a painful stomachache, I was so ___22___ and I cried. To my great comfort, Elizabeth put me on her back and rushed to the doctor’s at once. She had to ___23___ me downstairs and upstairs. The doctor checked me and gave me some medicine. If she didn’t help me, I wouldn’t have been able to sleep that night.

Whenever I want to buy clothes, Elizabeth goes with me and ___24___ helps me choose which clothes look best. She has a good eye for fashion.

It’s a ___25___ that we are not in the same school now. But we often communicate with each other on QQ or WeChat. I sincerely hope that our friendship will last forever.

16. A. noticed                      B. described                 C. imagined                 D. cut

17. A. in general                  B. in order                    C. in common               D. in fact

18. A. careless                     B. stupid                      C. lazy                         D. boring

19. A. lesson                        B. exam                       C. problem                   D. club

20. A. cheered up                 B. dressed up                C. gave up                    D. came up

21. A. expressed                  B. increased                 C. impressed                D. encouraged

22. A. relaxed                      B. uncomfortable          C. excited                    D. tired

23. A. teach                         B. carry                       C. contact                    D. watch

24. A. suddenly                    B. proudly                    C. simply                     D. patiently

25. A. chance                       B. decision                   C. pity                         D. choice


When 16-year-old Grayden Brunet joined the Sackets Harbor Volunteer Fire Department in 2017, he was the youngest on the team. He was so ____16____ to be following in his dad’s footsteps that he persuaded(说服)two classmates, Niklas Brazie and Dalton Hardison, to sign up too.

A few years later, the older firefighters quit(辞职)over COVID-19 concerns. ____17____ , the three teens were the only firefighters at the Sackets Harbor Volunteer Fire Department. They responded to heart attacks, car accidents, and suicides. They were the ones speeding COVID-19 patients to ____18____ .

“We went from not even having our licenses(执照、许可证)to ____19____ people’s lives,” Hardison told CBS.

As far as the teens were concerned, they couldn’t quit. If they did, Brunet told North County Public Radio, “The community would lose the ambulance.”

They carried on for a year until help ____20____ in the form of five more teens, all encouraged to serve their ____21____ . “When they call 911, they’re expecting someone to help them,” says 16-year-old Sophia DeVito.

The job is ____22____ . One night last fall, the crew responded to two ambulance calls and a fire. They got home at 5:30 am, just two hours before ____23____ started.

“It’s definitely ____24____ coming back from the calls and having to take a math test,” Grayden’s younger brother Gannon told WWNY.

But they don’t ____25____ the work.

16. A. unhappy                    B. excited                    C. worried                    D. surprised

17. A. Luckily                     B. Certainly                 C. However                  D. Suddenly

18. A. factories                    B. schools                    C. parks                       D. hospitals

19. A. improving                  B. changing                  C. saving                     D. living

20. A. continued                  B. arrived                     C. stopped                    D. went

21. A. neighbors                  B. classmates               C. leaders                       D. parents

22. A. pleasant                     B. dangerous                C. interesting                D. tiring

23. A. breakfast                   B. work                       C. school                     D. training

24. A. strange                      B. annoying                 C. interesting                D. hard

25. A. expect                       B. want                        C. mind                       D. enjoy


Following your passion young

Some people might think that young people are too young to know what they want. But people like Lu Kaigang prove them all ___16___.

Lu, 23, a fashion ___17___ from China, grew up walking the roads in rural (偏远的) Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. Now, he walks on some of the largest fashion catwalks (T台) in the world.

He found his passion young. “I have had a supermodel dream since I was 10 while I was still in ___18___ school. I saw a ___19___ show on TV and I felt it was so cool to do that on the runway,” Lu said.

Although Lu didn’t have much money or any professional training, that didn’t ___20___ him from chasing his dream. Lu ___21___ pieces of cloth from the factory he worked at and made them into outfits (服装). In 2018, he started making videos of himself wearing his handmade outfits and posted them online.

Lu has what money can’t buy: determination (决心) and self-belief. “The early videos I posted didn’t get many ‘likes’,” Lu said. “But I believed what I was doing would be ___22___ by the world someday.”

Lu quit his job at the factory and went back to his hometown to spend time learning how to be a supermodel. He also began to use other ___23___ for outfits, like plastic bags and even buckets and kept posting videos of himself online.

About one year later, Lu’s hard work ___24___ and he became an online star. He’s not just your ordinary model. His one-of-a-kind clothes show off his talent and ___25___, and his videos are mostly filmed on village dirt roads, adding a special and fresh backdrop (背景).

We can be sure that if Lu hadn’t followed his heart at a young age, he wouldn’t be where he is today.

16. A. correct                       B. friendly                   C. wrong                      D. honest

17. A. farmer                       B. engineer                  C. worker                     D. model

18. A. primary                     B. middle                     C. high                        D. normal

19. A. serious                      B. funny                      C. fashion                    D. awful

20. A. make                         B. encourage                C. stop                         D. protect

21. A. collected                    B. wasted                     C. lost                          D. offered

22. A. spread                       B. recognized               C. compared                 D. connected

23. A. materials                   B. manners                   C. sizes                        D. tools

24. A. took off                     B. got off                     C. paid off                    D. gave off

25. A. beauty                       B. politeness                C. warmth                    D. creativity


Though plastic bags make our life convenient, the use of them is controversial(有争议的). Maybe you’ve heard of the news that the law has been ____16____ carried out in England to stop the use of plastic things. In China, can you get ____17____ plastic bags from supermarkets now? I’m afraid you can’t. Things have changed. Nowadays people have to pay for plastic bags since supermarkets and shops in China can’t ____18____ plastic bags to people any more. That’s because the Chinese government has decided to stop the use of free plastic bags and our country tried to make ____19____ less.

The Chinese once used about 300 million plastic shopping bags a day. Most of them can be used only once and some people throw them away here and there after they have used them. The plastic bags are hard to ____20____. So they have caused pollution for the environment. They have polluted the water, earth, and they waste the oil. Some animals in the sea or on the land even died after eating the plastic bags. If they are burnt, they may produce some gas that is ____21____, and this can cause bigger troubles. It pollutes the air. What’s more, it may cause ____22____ for us.

So the Chinese people are ____23____ to bring their own bags or baskets when they go to buy something. Some students come up with a good idea. They make the shopping bags by themselves. They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and send them to their parents as ____24____. They also ask their parents and friends to use cloth bags instead. They think it is their ____25____ to protect the environment. Starting with small things also matters.

16. A. strictly                       B. clearly                     C. bravely                    D. gently

17. A. free                           B. useful                      C. large                        D. public

18. A. provide                      B. offer                        C. send                        D. sell

19. A. bags                          B. money                     C. collection                 D. rubbish

20. A. break up                    B. break through           C. break out               D. break down

21. A. smelly                       B. harmful                   C. lifeless                        D. colorful

22. A. excuse                       B. disease                    C. failure                     D. death

23. A. allowed                     B. called                      C. encouraged              D. invited

24. A. presents                     B. goods                      C. surprise                   D. works

25. A. dream                        B. pleasure                   C. duties                      D. chance



16-20 BDACD                    21-25 ABDCB


16-20 CBABB                     21-25 CADCB


16-20 ABBCC                     21-25 BADCD


16-20 DCCDA                    21-25 BCBCA


16-20 ABCDC                     21-25 BDABD


16-20 CDBAB                     21-25 ADABB


16-20 BABAD                    21-25 CDCDB


16-20 BDCAB                     21-25 DACDA


16-20 ACABD                  21-25 CBBDC


16-20 BDDCB                     21-25 ADCDC


16-20 CDACC                  21-25 ABACD


16-20 AABDD                 21-25 BBCAC


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φ( ̄∇ ̄o)
ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ"
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Σ(っ °Д °;)っ
( ,,´・ω・)ノ"(´っω・`。)
( ๑´•ω•) "(ㆆᴗㆆ)
Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd