Sentence Structure- “There be” (CN/EN)

Definition & Examples The sentence structure of "there be" is a grammatical construction in English that is used to talk about the existence of something or someone in a p…

Tense-一般现在时 the Simple Present Tense(CN/EN)

Definition & Examples The simple present tense is used to talk about actions that are happening regularly, habitually or currently. It can also be used to talk about gener…

Tense-一般将来时 the Simple Future Tense(CN/EN)

Definition & Examples The simple future tense is used to describe actions or events that will happen in the future. In English, the simple future tense is formed with the …

区分-四大花费-spend, take, cost, pay(CN/EN)

How to distinguish "spend,take,cost and pay" as the meaning of spending time or money in English? Spend (time): to pass a certain amount of time doing something. Example: "I s…

if clauses-if条件句(CN/EN)与虚拟语气
Definition & Examples "if clauses" are also known as conditional sentences and they are used to talk about possibilities or conditions and their outcomes. There are three …